«„[…] wiele złego dokonali […]” (1 Mch 1, 52). Przejawy bezczeszczenia i jego sprawcy» (English title: “[...] they did evil” (1 Macc. 1:52). Manifestations of Profanation and Perpetrators Thereof), in «Ateneum Kaplanskie» 178 (2022) 3, pp. 428-447.
Krupiński R., Wachta H., Stabryła W.M., Büchner C., Selected Issues on Material Properties of Objects in Computer Simulations of Floodlighting, in «Energies» 14 (2021) 5448. [pp. 1-24]
Pusty grób Maryi, «Gość Niedzielny» 32 (2022), pp. 23-25.
Unsere Nachbarschaft auf dem Zion, Rundbrief 69 Juli/August 2022, p. 24.
Project: «3D reconstructions of Byzantine, Crusader and Modern Basilicas on Mount Zion in Jerusalem».
The founder and the head of an international research team «3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem». The members of the team are scholars from Warsaw University of Technology, Rzeszow University of Technology and Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich.
International scientific cooperation with Department of Power Electronics and Power Engineering of Rzeszow University of Technology, (research team: «3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem»).
International scientific cooperation with Electrical Power Engineering Institute of Warsaw University of Technology, (research team: «3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem»).
International scientific cooperation with Faculty of Catholic Theology, Chair of New Testament Studies and Biblical Hermeneutics of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet-Muenchen, (research team: «3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem»).
The founder and the head of an international research team «3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem». The members of the teams are scholars from Warsaw University of Technology, Rzeszow University of Technology and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.
International scientific cooperation with Department of Power Electronics and Power Engineering of Rzeszow University of Technology, (research team: “3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem”).
International scientific cooperation with Electrical Power Engineering Institute of Warsaw University of Technology, (research team: “3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem”).
International scientific cooperation with Faculty of Catholic Theology, Chair of New Testament Studies and Biblical Hermeneutics of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet-Muenchen, (research team: “3D reconstructions and simulations of Ancient Jerusalem”).
A project: «3D Reconstructions of Byzantine, Crusader and Modern Basilicas on Mount Zion in Jerusalem».
Poland (Warsaw, webinar), XXIX Krajowa Konferencja Oświetleniowa i I Forum Technologii Oświetleniowych (17-28 June 2021).
Israel (Jerusalem), Co-organization of a conference: «Festivals, Traditiona and Tunnels on Mount Zion (in Hebrew)» (7 May 2021).
Israel (Jerusalem), «Why do (some) Jews spit on Gentiles» (16 June 2023).
Israel (Jerusalem, webinar), «(Con)textual Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls» (The Seventeenth International Orion Symposium), (28 February - 3 March 2022).
Webinar: «International Congress on Apocalypticism in Antiquity» (23-27 May 2021).
Poland, Webinar: «Dziecko Pokrzywdzone Przestępstwem (Child as a victim of crime)» (18-21 October 2020).
Webinar: «International Conference on the Aramaic Manuscripts of 1 Enoch» (20-22 October 2020).
Webinar: «2021 Nangeroni Meeting, John the Babpist» (11-14 January 2021).
Poland, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Webinar: «Relacje homoseksualne a zamysł Stwórcy wobec mężczyzny i kobiety» (17 March 2021).
Israel - Ben Gurion University of the Negev (online), The Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-religious Encounter, The Rabb Center of Holocaust and Revival Studies, Title: «Holocaust Survivors who Crossed Over the Line» (27 January 2021).
Professor Jacobus Rubini ideo consilium concepit sedem interretialem "Officina Latintatis" sub auspiciis Pontificii Instituti Altioris Latinitatis condendi, ut repositorium quoddam pateret, ubi scripta Latina moderna sive neo-Latina, studium curiositatemque excitantia, proptereaque ad linguam Latinam iucunde discendam aptiora, cultoribus sermonis Romanorum suppeditarentur.
In hoc repositorio plerumque interpretamenta Latina fabularum narrationumque principio vernacule conscriptarum inveniri poterunt.
Lectoribus quoque et visitatoribus proprias interpretationes, professoribus Rubini et Lima moderantibus, in huius novae "officinae" paginis palam divulgare licebit, ut occasio detur amplius sermonem Latinum, scribendo, scil. more "vivo" et activo, excolendi, qui quidem alter est huius incepti finis praecipuus.
Vt plura cognoscas, adi paginam "Info" ipsius Officinae Latinitatis.
Il progetto "Officina Latinitatis" nasce da un'idea del prof. Jacopo Rubini, con il fine di creare, sotto gli auspicii della Facoltà di Lettere Cristiane e Classiche, un sito web, che mettesse a disposizione degli studenti e degli appassionati di lingua latina degli scritti latini moderni, ovvero neo-latini, interessanti e intrattenenti e, per ciò stesso, utili ad apprendere la lingua latina attraverso letture piacevoli.
Nel sito sarà possibile trovare soprattutto versioni latine di favole e racconti originariamente scritti in volgare.
Anche i lettori e i visitatori del sito possono partecipare a questo progetto, sottoponendo ai professori Rubini e Lima le proprie versioni latine da pubblicare in questo nuovo "laboratorio", avendo così a disposizione un'occasione per scrivere in latino e coltivare la lingua in modo "vivo" e attivo: ciò che costituisce il secondo fine costitutivo di questo progetto.
Per saperne di più, visita la pagina "Info" del sito "Officina Latinitatis".