
The research areas that the FLCC/PIAL intends to promote through doctoral theses are, in line with its identity and purpose, the following:

  1. la Latinitas Christiana according to the guidelines of Veterum Sapientia;
  2. latin literature of the medieval and modern periods;
  3. The teaching of classical languages. Other research topics may be accepted on an exceptional basis.

Requirements for the PhD Cycle

To be admitted to the PhD cycle in the Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters, the following are required:

  1. Obtaining a License from the FLCC/PIAL or an equivalent title (e.g., Master’s degree from Italian universities or Master of Arts from Anglo-Saxon universities). In the case of candidates from faculties other than the FLCC/PIAL, it is also necessary to obtain the license from the FLCC/PIAL;
  2. Candidates from other universities, to obtain the License title from the FLCC/PIAL, must attend at least one semester, integrate their training in the specific areas of the FLCC curriculum, and prepare a license thesis, according to the current regulations for those completing the program;
  3. For candidates from institutions other than the FLCC/PIAL, a good level of knowledge of the Latin language, verified through the methods indicated, from time to time, by the Dean or his Delegate.
  4. For students coming from other universities, the submission of the thesis and a reasoned presentation by one of the professors or the Dean of the Faculty of origin, favorable to the continuation of studies;
  5. Functional knowledge of three modern languages: French, English, German. Knowledge of Italian is a prerequisite.
  6. A final grade not lower than 27/30 (or equivalent grade).
  7. An admission interview that verifies, in addition to the above, the state of preparation in terms of scientific work methodology and research, the candidate’s aptitudes and motivations, and their study possibilities (including economic) and attendance, consistent with the cycle’s requirements.

Admission Procedure for the PhD Cycle

To enroll in the PhD at the FLCC, students must follow the following procedure:

  1. interview with the Dean or his Delegate to verify admission conditions;
  2. interview with the Professor in charge of preparing the study plans and the PhD cycle program;
  3. the final admission of the student is the responsibility of the FLCC Council, which also indicates the possible moderator, after prior agreement with the teacher, the second and third reviewers (cf. 5c). The moderator is chosen from among the ordinary/extraordinary/stabilized teachers;
  4. the FLCC/PIAL annually accepts no more than five research projects ad doctoratum.

Duration of the PhD Cycle

  1. The duration of the PhD cycle is three years (six semesters).
  2. The candidate is required to stay at the university for at least one semester to attend the activities of the PhD cycle program.
  3. If the students mentioned in point 1b attend two semesters, at the discretion of the FLCC/PIAL Council, they may be admitted directly to the PhD cycle with the obligation, however, to integrate the educational debts and submit a written paper.

PhD Cycle Program

  1. Doctoral students are required to attend and pass the exam of two monographic courses that enable research, established annually by the FLCC/PIAL.
  2. Doctoral students are also required to enrich their training path by participating in at least two conferences related to their research area. The documentation certifying participation must be submitted to the FLCC/PIAL Secretariat.
  3. Before the doctoral exam, the student will hold at least one lectio coram, related to their research, in the presence of the thesis moderator and another teacher, appointed by the Dean.
  4. Doctoral students will also gain practical teaching experience under the guidance of the Moderator or another teacher appointed by the Dean.

Procedure for the Approval of the Research Project

  1. The doctoral student prepares the research project within the first year of attendance and submits it to the moderator and the second reviewer for an initial evaluation; after receiving their observations, it can be officially submitted to the General Secretariat using the appropriate forms.
  2. The research project includes: the title and outline of the thesis, written in Latin; the presentation of the topic, highlighting its novelty and specifying the purpose and method (written in Latin or Italian); the complete bibliography (author, title, city, possible series, publisher, year) carefully chosen and divided into fontes, studia, instrumenta.
  3. The project approval takes place in the Faculty Council meeting, which confirms the moderator and appoints the second and third reviewers (cf. 2c).
  4. Topics already addressed by the candidate in other scientific works may be accepted, provided there is a substantial extension and a real deepening of the theme.

Progress and Completion of the Thesis

  1. Normally, the doctoral student should finish and submit the thesis during the third year. If not, at the end of each subsequent academic year, the student is required to indicate the progress of the research on a form, submitting it to the FLCC/PIAL Secretariat. This information is sent to the Dean and the reviewers. The FLCC/PIAL Council reserves the right to block the project if, after three years, the conditions for its execution are no longer met.
  2. The final paper must be written in Latin. The FLCC/PIAL Council may authorize the use of another language generally accepted in the scientific community (French, English, Italian, Spanish, German), provided that the introduction and conclusion are kept in Latin.
  3. The paper must contain no less than 150 pages, excluding the introduction, conclusion, and bibliography.
  4. The methodological standards are those ordinarily used at the FLCC/PIAL.

Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis

  1. Once the dissertation is completed, the student submits a copy of the text to the moderator and the reviewers; they prepare and submit to the Dean a written judgment regarding its adequacy for submission to the General Secretariat, indicating any corrections, additions, or revisions.
  2. The final text, in addition to the Moderator’s approval, must include an anti-plagiarism declaration.
  3. The thesis defense takes place in the presence of the Thesis Moderator, the other two reviewers, who make up the commission chaired by the Rector Magnificus or his Delegate. The presence of the Dean is also required, if not already present in the commission, and the participation of ordinary, extraordinary, and stabilized professors is recommended.
  4. At least a portion of the thesis defense is conducted in Latin.